How can you get a slimmer face with cosmetic surgery?

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Your face is the most important part of your body, and it’s the most common site for cosmetic surgery. More and more people are turning to cosmetic surgery to fix small defects like a broad face. Lucky for you, we now have simple solutions so you can achieve a slim, elegant face without major surgery. Let’s take a closer look at a cosmetic procedure for a slimmer face..

Cosmetic surgery for a slimmer face

If you’re looking to slim your face, there are a number of highly invasive surgeries that directly modify your jawbone. But there are also much easier, more affordable options that are no more invasive than having a cavity filled. Cheek reduction surgery, or bichectomy, is one of those.

This simple procedure consists of removing the buccal fat pads found under your cheekbones. Your buccal fat pads plump out your cheeks. In some people, they are particularly pronounced and create a round face. While the procedure is simple, it does require anesthesia. And it is still surgery, so it requires serious consideration before taking the plunge.

What does bichectomy surgery involve?

The first step before a bichectomy is a consultation with an oral surgeon. During the consultation, you will discuss your needs and why you are interested in the surgery. Your surgeon will then perform a routine examination to make sure that you are healthy enough for the operation. This consultation is required before you can schedule your procedure.

During the consultation, your surgeon will stress that bichectomy is irreversible and requires a thoughtful decision. Because it is a minor procedure, you can have a cheek reduction done at the same time as a face lift or other facial procedure.

The operation is performed inside your mouth so there is no visible scarring. It takes just a 1.5 cm incision to remove the buccal fat pads. You can go home immediately after the operation, and in most cases will experience a painless recovery.

After the operation, you will need to commit to great oral hygiene habits and avoid eating very hot foods. The results are immediate but do take a few weeks to stabilize, when your face will achieve the shape it was meant to have.

Can you shrink your buccal fat pads without surgery?

Buccal fat pads are fatty masses that are completely independent from the rest of your body. That means you can’t burn the fat stored in them, no matter how intensively you diet. In other words, you can’t eliminate or even shrink them! Cosmetic surgery is the only effective way to get a slimmer face, with a minor operation under local anesthesia.

I have other questions

Qu’est-ce qu’une bichectomie ?

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