HomepagePricingDental Surgery

Dental Surgery

Quote before each treatment

Payment in 24x free of charge

According to solvency, see conditions at the clinic

Treatment possible under laughing gas or general anaesthetic

Quote before each treatment

Payment in 24x free of charge

According to solvency, see conditions at the clinic

Treatment possible under laughing gas
or general anaesthetic

Dental implants
Implant + crown
Extraction of wisdom teethfrom 150.- to 500.-
Gum graft
Exact quotation before treatment.
on quotation
Surgical periodontology~800.-
Oral medicine and pathology
Exact quotation before treatment.
on quotation
All on 4on quotation
All on 6on quotation
All on 8on quotation

Dental surgery at the Dental Hygiene Clinic

Our assistants will be happy to answer you
by telephone
on WhatsApp,
or by e-mail.

CHD Lausanne Bessières

Rue Saint-Martin 9, 1003 Lausanne

CHD Lausanne Sallaz

Route de Berne 1, 1010 Lausanne

CHD Yverdon

Av. Haldimand 105, 1400 Yverdon

CHD Genève Eaux-Vives

Rue F. Versonnex 7, 1207 Geneva

CHD Genève Cornavin

Rue de Lausanne 65, 1202 Geneva

CHD Meyrin

Ch. de Riantbosson 19, 1217 Meyrin