Fissure sealants for children
The top preventive treatment to avoid cavities
The premolars and molars often have visible lines and grooves on their surface, which can be particularly deep and encourage the bacteria responsible for cavities. Toothbrush bristles can’t reach the bottom of these areas. That’s why sealing these grooves, combined with appropriate hygiene, prevents cavities from forming.
First things first
The hygienist will always perform a complete check-up of your child’s mouth to see if a fissure sealant is appropriate and make sure they don’t have other oral problems. If necessary, the hygienist will refer you to one of our dentists who works with children.
Fissure sealants for children at the CHD
This treatment doesn’t require a “drill” or anaesthesia. It’s a simple, fast, and effective technique that is particularly suitable for children.
The material used to seal the tooth continuously releases fluoride, which also strengthens your child’s teeth.
At the end of the appointment, the hygienist will give your child personalized recommendations on good oral practices.
Prochain RDV
L’hygiéniste organise pour votre enfant un planning de contrôle-détartrage personnalisé afin qu’il puisse maintenir une bonne santé bucco-dentaire et qu’il atteigne l’objectif 0 carie en fonction de son niveau carieux, de son implication dans son hygiène dentaire ou encore de l’alignement de ses dents.
Fissures sealants 150.- /4 molars
You can pay by invoice and in instalments.
Let’s get involved in prevention of violence against children.
5% of our profits for all “Fissure sealants for children” are donated to the Patouch association, the Swiss Association for the prevention of violence against children.