Why are dental implants so expensive?

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Dental implants are one of the best solutions to replace a lost tooth. But patients are often shocked by the prices they are quoted. Why are dental implants so expensive? What goes into that price? Are there any alternatives? At CHD we’re here to help. Our article lays out everything you need to know.

The inside skinny on dental implant prices

  • The price you pay for a dental implant depends on the quality of the implant itself, the overall state of your mouth, and the rates your dentist charges. 
  • CHD offers dental implants starting at CHF 2,800, with discounts for multiple implants.
  • In France, a dental implant costs between €1,400 and €2,500.
  • Dental implant surgery is one of the safest forms of dental surgery. 
  • But safe doesn’t mean risk-free. Complications can still occur, so regular follow-up visits with your dentist and hygienist are essential.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are metal screws made of fully biocompatible titanium which are embedded in your bone. They play the same role as the roots of your teeth. 

They are used to replace one or more missing teeth. The implant itself is installed in sterile conditions, and the crown – the visible part of the tooth – is screwed or glued on to it several weeks later.

What factors affect the price of dental implants?

The type and quality of the implant and crown and the materials used

There are a lot of implant brands on the market, and they don’t all offer the same level of quality. A low-cost implant can cost as little as CHF 65, compared to CHF 700 for some implants from the leading brands.

The price difference is due to a range of factors including the biocompatibility of the materials used (which keeps them from being rejected, like an organ transplant), wear and breakage resistance, the type of implant (replacement for a front tooth or a molar, short/long, narrow/wide, etc.), or the type of machining on the implant post.

You wouldn’t make a decision based on price when choosing a heart or hip implant, and we think your mouth deserves the same kind of care.

After choosing the right kind of implant, the next step is a careful assessment of the abutment, the connection between the implant itself and the crown. It needs maximum resistance to both vertical and shear forces so it can stand up to chewing without breaking or coming off with the crown. 

The crown can either be glued to the implant, which is the cheaper and more traditional technique, or screwed into it. We recommend the screw technique since the parts can be taken apart if necessary, including for a thorough inspection every 10 years. It also gives your dentist more control over the crown-implant interface, for a tighter seal.

Finally, the crown will depend on your provider’s standards. Factors like how well the crown fits the implant, how well it will stand up to chewing, its resemblance to a natural tooth, and its integration into the gum to prevent inflammation and long-term implant loss all depend on the provider.

Lab costs to produce your crown can range from CHF 200 to CHF 1,500 depending on the technicians and the country where the lab is located.

Your overall oral health

No two implant surgeries are identical, because no two patients are identical.

To assess your needs, we need to determine how much gum and bone are available at the implant site, their depth, the width of your crestal bone, your bone density, how close the implant site is to your sinuses or nerves, how your mouth closes, the type of teeth around the site, and the space available. All those factors will affect the final quote.

Replacing a tooth you lost a decade ago is very different than replacing one that was just knocked out in an accident.

Dentists and oral surgeons are highly-trained specialists who will plan your implant surgery for optimal, long- lasting results.

All that means it would be impossible to give you a quote for implant surgery without an in-depth understanding of your situation. That’s why an accurate quote for a dental implant, including both a post and a crown, requires a consultation with your dentist or oral surgeon. 

At CHD, we use Swiss implants from Straumann, the world leader in implants. Our crowns are produced by Swiss technicians in Lausanne, and our implant surgeries are performed by an Oral Surgeon specialized in Implant Dentistry with 18 years of experience, using the 2018 Swiss protocol from the University of Geneva.

In line with our commitment to affordable preventive care, we do our best to offer our patients these high-quality implants starting at CHF 2,800, with discounts for multiple implants.


What’s the average price for a dental implant in Switzerland?

The price you pay for dental implants varies widely because it depends on the quality of the implant itself, the overall state of your mouth, and the dentist’s rates.

In France, dental implants range from €1,400 to €2,500. 

CHD offers dental implants starting at CHF 2,800. We offer discounts if you need more than one implant.

Does getting an implant hurt?

Getting an implant can cause pain and discomfort. But if it’s done right, it’s actually less painful and causes fewer issues than having your wisdom teeth removed. 

In virtually all cases, you will take antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs for a safe, smooth procedure and recovery.

What’s the best dental implant?

There are several international brands that produce high-quality dental implants. Some of the big names include Nobel Biocare, Zimmer, and Straumann. 

At Clinique Hygiène Dentaire, we use Straumann implants.

What are the risks involved in getting a dental implant?

Dental implant surgery is one of the safest dental procedures. 

Your mouth is painstakingly examined and analyzed before the procedure starts. However, no surgery is risk-free and implants do sometimes fail: 

  • during healing, if the implant lacks adequate primary stability,
  • if the implant is embedded in the jawbone, there is a risk of perforation of the maxillary sinus, inferior border, lingual plate, labial plate, inferior alveolar canal, or gums.
  • due to infection, 
  • if you had excessive bone loss, 
  • due to implant breakage or fracture,
  • nerve damage can cause pain, numbness, or paresthesia (abnormal sensations) in the surrounding area,
  • necrosis can occur in the flap of tissue around the implant. About 1 in 20 patients experience this. 
  • gum recession can expose the metal screw that holds the artificial tooth.
  • dehiscence: a failure to heal which requires a bone graft,
  • excess bleeding,
  • hyperplasia.

That’s why regular follow-up appointments with your dentist are key after dental implant surgery.

How long do dental implants last?  

A dental implant can last your whole life, as long as there are no complications. 

However, the crown – the visible prosthetic tooth – can break down over time.

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CHD Lausanne Bessières

Rue Saint-Martin 9, 1003 Lausanne

CHD Lausanne Sallaz

Route de Berne 1, 1010 Lausanne

CHD Yverdon

Av. Haldimand 105, 1400 Yverdon

CHD Genève Eaux-Vives

Rue F. Versonnex 7, 1207 Genève

CHD Genève Cornavin

Rue de Lausanne 65, 1202 Genève

CHD Meyrin

Ch. de Riantbosson 19, 1217 Meyrin